Response object of pipelines requests
No or invalid API key provided to the request
Could not find the company or the user does not have permissions to retrieve data
Error occurred while retrieving pipelines
curl -i -X GET \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{- "company": {
- "pipelines": {
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "54fb80af-576c-4fdc-ba4f-b596c83f15a1",
- "display_name": "first pipeline",
- "stages": [
- {
- "id": "54fb80af-576c-4fdc-ba4f-b596c83f15a1",
- "display_name": "Staging",
- "type": "standard"
Preview app created successfully
No or invalid API key provided to the request
Error occurred while creating a preview app
{- "branch": "main",
- "pull_request_number": 14
{- "app": {
- "id": "54fb80af-576c-4fdc-ba4f-b596c83f15a1",
- "name": "test-app",
- "displayName": "Test App"